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Water Conservation Efforts



September 8, 2015

With California facing one of the most severe droughts on record, many families are asking how Hillside Memorial Park is able to maintain the lush look and feel for which it is known.

Hillside is fortunate to be situated above a deep aquifer and maintains its irrigation through the use of well water. Because the cemetery uses non-potable water, it is not covered by the recent Executive Order. Nonetheless, with Jewish values rooted deeply in Tikkun olam (repairing the world), we take our shared responsibility seriously and have long been committed to responsibly using natural resources.

When Governor Brown issued his executive order, we increased our commitment and have taken additional steps to become even more efficient in the reduction of our water usage.

Our first step was to task our irrigation personnel to increase their monitoring and control our usage with stricter oversight. In addition, we have made a considerable investment replacing outdated irrigation lines with much more efficient modern drip systems and landscaping with drought-tolerant plants wherever possible. Lastly, we recently replaced all of our irrigation controllers with Smart controllers. Smart controllers tailor our watering schedules and run times automatically to meet specific landscape needs. These controllers are a proven technology that will improve our water use efficiencies.

These concerted efforts to reduce our impact on the drought have already resulted in a 12% decrease in overall water usage. Based on governmental studies for Smart controllers used commercially, we are expecting an additional 21% decline; bringing our total reduction to 33%.

Visiting the cemetery is an important part of our Jewish tradition. Hillside Memorial Park and Mortuary remains committed to serving all our families, our community and to Tikun olam. As the High Holy Days approach, we remain hopeful for relief to our state’s drought crisis.

L’shanah tovah,

Paul Signature 1


Paul Goldstein
General Manager