Obituaries » Michael Thomas Chusid
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Michael Thomas Chusid
December 8, 1952 - May 2, 2022
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Dear friends and family of Michael, I was putting together a shofar teaching curriculum, and figured I would rely heavily on Michael's book, and thought perhaps he would zoom in for a talk, so I started to look for his website, etc, and I see that he has passed away. BDE. Michael was very encouraging to me as I started to think about blowing shofar and we exchanged emails a bunch of times over the years. I blew on zoom in 2020 and in person in 2021 and HaShem should give me strength to keep going. I think his book gave me the idea to have a Shofar School this coming year with the idea of expanding our "bench" of shofar blowers, and with the idea of blowing at nursing homes etc, modeled after Michael's work. I will dedicate our shofar learning to Michael. I pray you are comforted with the mourners of Zion. Shari Berkowitz Oakland Gardens, NY
Posted by Shari Berkowitz on June 14, 2022
I was saddened to read just now of Michael's death. I met him only once or twice, at CSI conventions. I clearly recall Michael at a CSI annual meeting, the only person wearing a kippah in a room full of professionals clearly sharing his perspective --possibly 'giving Musar'-- to the group. If I remember right, was looking forward to spending the Shabbat following our event in the Baltimore Jewish community. HaMakom Yinachem Etchem b'toch shaar avalei Tzion v'Yrushalayim--May the Almighty comfort (his loved ones) among the mourners of Zion & Jerusalem, Allen
Posted by Allen Kwass, CSI, CCCA on May 17, 2022
I’ll never forget that day 20 years ago when I first walked into Michael’s office in a nondescript 2-story building on Ventura Blvd. I was greeted by a friendly golden retriever who trotted up to me and led me past a wide wooden shelf that went almost up to the ceiling and was filled with a zillion books, a stereo, an old canister of Tinkertoys, framed photos and various other interesting artifacts. I heard a booming “Hellllloooo!” coming from behind a partial wall. The dog wagged her tail. I peered around the corner to see a big, bearded dude wearing a broad brimmed hiker's hat. He was perched behind a desk piled with stacks of papers, post-its, several open books, a tennis ball, a sheet of thin metal with holes punched in it, an object that appeared to be a twisted animal horn, and a dozen concrete tile samples in various colors. I glanced beneath the desk to note that he was also barefoot. He looked up at me and smiled brightly. Over the many years I worked with Michael, he made a profound and lasting positive impact on the way I write, ask questions, listen, collaborate, appreciate differences, and generally approach work and life. An added bonus is that I've had the pleasure of getting to know Michael’s wonderful family, all of whom he loved so much. I will be forever thankful for the time we spent together...his quirky ways, creative energy, deep intellect and simple goodness. My sincerest and most heartfelt condolences.
Posted by Norah Lally on May 7, 2022
Thank you for the beautiful service. It was so wonderful to hear the joy, laughter and touching stories of your precious time with him. My condolences and my love. Much continued Joy, Love and Laughter when you feel his profound presence with you. Love, Orissa
Posted by Orissa Tri on May 5, 2022
My sincere condolences on your loss. I didn’t know Michael but he must really have an awesome spirit to have been you beloved. You and family are in my prayers. All of us at Glaser Forensic are here for you.
Posted by Barbara Justice on May 5, 2022
Michael was a true mensch, a lover of learning, praying, and creativity. He was a true tzadik. He will be missed greatly. May his memory always be for a blessing and a source of light.
Posted by Alyse Silverman on May 5, 2022
Michael was a wonderful spirit of great humor, always generous, and focused his attention on the well-being of others. His light will always burn bright.
Posted by Thomas B. Smith on May 5, 2022
Kind, generous, curious, and vibrant. I cherish our wonderful memories together. May his memory be a blessing.
Posted by Richard Raber on May 5, 2022
We were honored to know Michael and he will always be in our thoughts. We send our love and condolences to his family.
Posted by Anthony and Christina Adams on May 5, 2022
Hana I thank you for introducing me to your brother... & my prayers of comfort to family and friends… He was a joy to work with... During our warm-up walks through the neighborhood he would share knowledge about local pants and trees & structural engineering... I especially liked asking a question and catching the look in his eye, & waiting either for a Pearl of Wisdom or a Mischievous turn to Comedy.... Tue session after our workout He taught me how to tie knots He felt like a father, a big brother, a Boy Scout troop leader... Thur session I asked him when was he going to hang that swing.... he asked if I wanted to help. I said sure thing!!!! “And We Hung That Swing!!!!” Through the swell of unexpected emotions I will hold fondly our brief time. Holding close his influence upon my perceptions. Reminded by the memories that bring warmth, comfort, & smiles,… Of the Brilliant, Kind, Gentle, Wise, & Mischievously Funny…. R.I.P Beautiful Soul... Michael Chusid...
Posted by William Hemingway on May 5, 2022
Michael was a wonderful spirit of great humor, always generous, and focused his attention on the well-being of others. His light will always burn bright.
Posted by Thomas B. Smith on May 5, 2022
Michael was kind, funny, and so very smart. He was perceptive, giving, and caring. I remember his insights about shofar, and his willingness and patience in teaching any and all comers, young, old, competent or not. What a gift to the community. Michael's Tekiah Gedolah still rings in my memory. I remember watching Sandra and Michael courting during Makom High Holydays at UCLA. I had a bird's eye view from the bima. Their attraction to and rightness for each other was palpable, even at a distance. They were bashert. May Michael's memory be a blessing to all who knew him. May his family and friends be comforted for their loss of this beautiful man.
Posted by W Ellen Fleischmann Silvers on May 5, 2022
I feel blessed to have known Michael and to have been a part of his and Sandra’s family and treasure the memories I have. He was more about including than excluding, sharing than hording, loving than hating. The world can benefit greatly from more people like him. Thank you Michael, your spirit will be with us always.
Posted by Leslie Starck on May 5, 2022
Oh, dear Sandra, and family, such a sad day. I can see in my mind's eye Michael's towering frame and beaming smile. Twinkling eyes. Radiating presence. Many blessings of comfort to you.
Posted by Evelyn Baran on May 5, 2022
Michael was an inspiration and generous soul. I will forever have his kindness imprinted on my heart. My prayers of comfort to his family.
Posted by Theresa Klein on May 5, 2022
I was lucky to know Michael and enjoy his great sense of humor and great worldly intelligence. A great loss for everyone.
Posted by Bob moore on May 5, 2022
Michael was a mentor and spiritual guide to me. His guidance added value to my life in many ways. I am deeply saddened by his passing. My empathy and respect to the family.
Posted by Gary Judy on May 5, 2022
Michael was an original! He was a delightful man. I enjoy his company and his enthusiasm for life. I shall miss him. I am sorry for you and the family.
Posted by Joan & Fred Hoffman on May 4, 2022
My heart is heavy with the loss of my big brother. He was so very very special to me and we were only 18 months apart. He had a huge heart and always a kind word about everyone. I will love and miss him forever.
Posted by Betty Blaskievich on May 4, 2022
Michael had become a valued and treasured part of our Ceilume family. We will miss him.
Posted by Ed Davis on May 4, 2022
From a friend of Michael's for years (and more; he was my sponsor), a memorial of deep sadness. I hope it is appropriate to leave here a salute to what I knew of his nature (and please remove it, if not). I shared the news of his passing with his friends in a monthly online group for which I've been the facilitator for fifteen months, and we were all looking forward to yet another delightful hour with Michael this evening. I said to those who will be carrying on the group without him: "We'll see one another [same time next month] inshallah. That's Arabic for 'God willing' or 'it’s in God’s hands, not mine' or similar—and in this moment, seeming very apt. I wish Michael were here to tell us how the expression is rendered in Hebrew . . . and then he’d surely riff on it, deadpan as could be, while all his friends crack up." My life was enriched by his close friendship. I wish to Sandra and to Hanna, whom I've met, the best of the love and happiness that filled the life of Michael Chusid.
Posted by Tom Finnegan on May 4, 2022
May your memories of Michael bring joy and peace.
Posted by Lynn Javoroski on May 4, 2022
Dear Hanna, please accept Pascale's and my own condolences on the passing of Michael. Lean on the support of your family and friends at this time and may Michael's memory and name live on for you and be invoked as a blessing to all who knew him, and may you know no further sorrows.
Posted by Jacob Potashnik on May 4, 2022
Out of the blue,...i felt nauseous,... wandered around, not knowing what to do? Heard a ping, picked up my charging phone,started scrolling down my emails that is kinda rare, tens of thousands .'kept going down, longer than expected. I saw Abra, and opened, in shock, many memories, so much Love. He is and will always be, part of my Life. Bless Chu', i carry You in my heart' Condolences to all
Posted by Dale \\ on May 4, 2022
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." -John Muir Dad, in every walk we took, you gave me far more guidance and love than I every realized. Now you are gone and I know you are proud of yourself and your family. You accomplished so much that you set out to and leave a legacy of love, courage, and sweetness. Love you Dad!
Posted by Andrew W Chusid on May 3, 2022
Sending so much love. He was a mensch, and I am so sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.
Posted by Sarah (Ellen\'s daughter) on May 3, 2022